DUI Lawyers in Fort Walton Beach, Florida
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If you have been arrested or charged with a DUI in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, you could be facing jail time, fines, fees, loss of your driver’s license, and other collateral consequences. The Fort Walton Beach, Florida DUI lawyers at The Alice Harris Law Firm are here to help. We can review the details of your stop and arrest, review the evidence against you, and help you fight your charges. If you are facing DUI charges, you might have options including pretrial diversion programs, plea deals if you are facing more serious charges, and other options if you were wrongfully accused of your DUI.
Individuals can face DUI charges if their blood or breath alcohol level is found to be higher than 0.08. Penalties can be even higher if a minor is in the vehicle or if the blood alcohol level is higher than 0.15. For every “standard” drink, a person’s blood alcohol concentration can increase by 0.02 and 0.04. The problem with this is that when some people pour what they consider a “standard” drink, they may be drinking more than they realize. If you pour more than five ounces into your wine glass, you might be getting way more than a standard drink, and if you “eyeball” the amount of liquor you pour into your cocktails or double up, you could be getting drunk way faster than you might think. All it takes is one mistake to end up with a first-time DUI. Furthermore, individuals can face DUI charges if they are driving under the influence of drugs and controlled substances. Even people driving under the influence of prescription drugs can face DUI charges.
Under Florida law, individuals who drive are subject to Florida’s implied consent laws. This means that if you refuse to take a blood or breath alcohol test when stopped under the suspicion of a DUI, your driver’s license can be suspended and your refusal to take the test could be used as evidence against you in trial. When it comes to getting a DUI conviction, police have been granted quite a bit of power when it comes to collecting evidence. Yet, police must still respect individuals’ civil rights and follow proper police procedures. Sometimes individuals are wrongfully accused of a DUI because they have medical conditions that can make it appear that they were under the influence when they were not. Sometimes police stop people illegally or use racial profiling to decide who to stop. A DUI lawyer in Fort Walton Beach, Florida at The Alice Harris Law Firm can review your situation and help you explore your options and DUI defenses.
Florida DUI Diversion Programs
If this is your first time DUI, you don’t have any prior felonies, and meet all the requirements, you may be able to have your charges reduced by participating in Florida’s pretrial diversion programs. To participate, you’ll need to voluntarily agree to participate in the program before your DUI trial. While you aren’t required to choose diversion, for some people, diversion might be the right choice. You could get your charges reduced from a DUI to a reckless driving charge and avoid some of the more severe consequences of having a DUI conviction on your record.
The requirements for the diversion program will depend on the seriousness of your first-time DUI charge, but most programs require that individuals pay fines and fees, complete DUI and victim impact courses, pay law enforcement investigation costs, face a 10-day vehicle impoundment, and submit to urine alcohol screening. The DUI defense lawyers in Fort Walton Beach, Florida can review the details of your case to see if you qualify for a DUI diversion program. If this is your first time DUI, diversion might be a good choice. But if you were wrongfully accused of your DUI or are facing more serious charges, diversion might not be the best choice, nor might it be an option. The DUI lawyers in Fort Walton Beach, Florida at The Alice Harris Law Firm may be able to help you explore other options.
DUI Defense Strategy in Fort Walton Beach, Florida
If you are facing DUI charges, the DUI lawyers in Fort Walton Beach, Florida can review your case and help you develop a DUI defense strategy. There are situations where people have been wrongfully accused of driving while under the influence. Sometimes individuals have medical conditions that make it appear that they are intoxicated when they are not drunk or on drugs. In other instances, police commit civil rights violations, or make mistakes in gathering evidence, which can lead to a case being dropped, dismissed, or charges reduced. Sometimes police fail to properly calibrate their testing devices or fail to properly administer roadside tests. A strong DUI defense strategy might involve looking at each of these factors to determine if mistakes were, evidence was mishandled, or if the state’s case is lacking in some way.
If you are facing DUI charges in Florida, you are innocent until proven guilty. And you have the right to question evidence and fight your charges. The DUI lawyers in Fort Walton Beach, Florida at The Alice Harris Law Firm are here to help you. We can review the circumstances of your arrest, review the evidence against you, help you fight your charges, and explore your options.
Contact Our Fort Walton Beach, Florida Drunk Driving Lawyers
Having a drunk driving conviction can impact various aspects of your life. You could face jail time, lose your driver’s license, and face a range of collateral consequences if you end up with a conviction. The Fort Walton Beach, Florida drunk driving lawyers at The Alice Harris Law Firm are here to help. We can help you understand your rights and options under the law and help you navigate the criminal justice system. This might be a very stressful time if you are facing drunk driving charges, but you don’t have to face those charges alone. Reach out to The Alice Harris Law Firm today. Our Fort Walton Beach, Florida drunk driving attorneys are available 24/7 to take your call and help you take the next steps to protect your reputation, rights, and freedom.
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